

United saves the day!

Exceptional help from United Airlines brought #RecordRunWorld back from the brink at airport in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon.

Published: 06/08/2017 Updated: 06/09/2017

The hopes of traveling around The World in 63 hours were fading when Per Fredrik "PelleK" Åsly, Gunnar Garfors, Derek Bell, Erik de Zwart and Ronald Haanstra were held up at the US immigration checkpoint at Los Angles airport with just 40 minutes to spare until their next departure.

- This was the our big test. We were very aware that this could be tricky, and it really was!. The Americans are very strickt when it comes to bordercontrol, and it was impossible for us to bypass it, says travel manager Garfors,

He had more or less given up on the world record when the #RecordRunWorld gang was stuck at the bordercontroll..

- We had actually lost the plane, but United Airlines realized the seriousness of the situation and obviously wanted to keep our world record-attempt alive. They simply made a fully booked flight wait for us, so we managed to get through immigration and onboard the plane to Mexico - where we are now.

# The RecordRunWorld gang went for a quick snack and a some local brew to celebrate the overcoming of the trips hardest obstacle. Garfors, however, is aware that much can still go wrong: "We have two short flightstops, where we have to change planes and suddenly there is another delay...  I'm certainly not sure that we will break the record, but the odds are lower now than they were when we started, Garfors smiles.

On Thursday night, the #RecordRunWorld-crew has traveled 4 continents over two days. Now, South America and Europe are coming up, before the guys have to get back to Alger in Algeria before the 63-hour deadline ends. Game on!